XML Sitemaps Generator: Create your Google XML Sitemap Online

Enter your Website URL Here

XML Sitemap
The XML sitemap for your website/blog is ready below 👇 

The next step is to submit your sitemap to Google, Bing, Yahoo etc.

The aim of this website is to let you:
  • Create an XML sitemap that can be submitted to Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines to help them crawl your website more.
  • Create a Text sitemap to have a plain list of all your pages.
  • Generate an HTML site map to allow website visitors to fluently navigate on your site.

What's sitemap?

By placing a formatted xml file with site map on your webserver, you enable Search Engine crawlers (like Google) to find out what pages are present, and which have freshly changed, and to crawl your site consequently.

A sitemap is a way of organizing a website, relating the URLs and the data under each section. Previously, the sitemaps were primarily geared for the users of the website. still, Google's XML format was designed for the search engines, allowing them to find the data soon and more efficiently.
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