why am I so thirsty | why am I so thirsty at night

Feeling thirsty constantly and for no good reason isn't typical and should be explored by your GP. 

Thirst is typically the brain's method of caution that you're dehydrated that you're not drinking enough liquid. However, extreme and industrious thirst or always thirsty and tired or constantly tired and thirsty (known as polydipsia) could be an indication of a basic issues.

Symptoms: You're always thirsty, drink a lot of water, and pass more urine than usual. You're also losing weight You sometimes have blurred vision. It could be Diabetes, probably type 1, where your body is no longer producing insulin and your blood sugar rises, which makes you drink more and pee more. Without treatment it can lead to ketosis. Stop it See your doctor and get yourself tested. You might need to get a specialist to manage your insulin dosage and diet. 

Symptoms: You work in a hot and humid place, where you sweat a lot and your mouth feels dry. It could be Dehydration. where your body is losing fluid through sweating and you're not keeping pace by topping up your fluids. Stop it Always carry a bottle of water with you and sip from it at least every half hour. 

Symptoms: You have moderately high blood pressure. and as a first line of treatment, your doctor has put you on diuretics. But you can't stop drinking water. It could be Your medication. Excessive thirst can sometimes get into a  side-effect of certain types of medication. Stop it See your doctor as soon as possible. 

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